Preventing heat stroke

heat stroke preventionPreventing Heat Stroke

When the heat index is high, it’s best to stay in an air-conditioned environment.

If you must go outdoors, you can prevent heat stroke by taking these steps

1.- Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing, and a hat.

2.-Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more

3.-Drink extra fluids. To prevent dehydration, it’s generally recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water, fruit juice, or vegetable juice per day.

4.-When exercising . Drink before, during and after even if you don’t feel thirsty.

5.-Reschedule or cancel outdoor activity. If possible, shift your time outdoors to the coolest times of the day, either early morning or after sunset.






Your  child’s sleep 

I can imagine,  how difficult it is for all of us, when it is bed time. “ALWAYS LATE”. Because we have many  things to do and to sleep is not a priority. But we have to change that:

Sleep is one of the most important things we have to do during the 24 hour day and to sleep enough,  is also very important.

 When your child has slept well and had enough sleep they are:

Healthier, more confident, taller, stronger, faster, more athletic, smarter.  dormir


nina dormida





Tips to help sleep!

  • Establish regular sleep schedule and routine
  • Encourage relaxing, non-alerting activity
  • Avoid TV and PC
  • Make the Bedroom a NO gadget zone.
  • Place recharging station in kitchen not bedroom.
  • Avoid Caffeine.
  • Expose yourself to light in the morning.
  • Exercise, but not too close to bedtime.
  • Avoid late naps







Head lice

 What is a head lice?

Small wingless, crawling insects about 2mm long. They do not jump or fly.


Symptoms: tickling  feeling  or itching.

How is head lice spread?


How to get ride of head lice?


Clean personal items and surroundings ( sheets, towels, hats,—-wash machine  and non-washable items—in hot dryer for 20 minutes).

Remember to check your child’s head every week.  We want to have a school free of lice .





Due to Qatar’s extreme seasonal heat, people living here typically spend less time outdoors in the summer, and thus get less sun, putting them at risk for vitamin D sol-feliz-con-gafas-de-sol-y-la-ilustracion-de-dibujos-animados-de-flores_279-13422[1]deficiency.

Those lacking Vitamin D can experience a host of health-related problems, including:

1.- fatigue.

2.- Hair loss.

3.- Depression.


The department of Health Sciences of Qatar University advise:  The best way to get your levels up to the amount your body needs, we have :

1.- to expose our legs and arms to the sun without sunblock,

2.- for between 5-15 minutes a day,

3.-Three times a week.

Qatar’s sometimes dusty weather also prevents the body from absorbing the nutrient.

Those who are found to be deficient can be treated with supplements prescribed by their doctor (injections or tablets).

However, the key to reach and maintain the right levels of Vitamin D is most easily done through sun exposure, which also stores for longer in the body than supplements.

Do you get enough sun in Doha? Thoughts?


Wash your hands

Do you know WHY-WHEN-HOW you have to wash your hands?wash hands

Why is hand hygiene important?

To PROTECT  you and your friends from getting sick.

When do you have to wash your hands?:

1. – Before eating.

2. – After going to the toilet and touching contaminated objects.

3. – Visibly dirty.

How  do you have to wash your hands? 










A School Nurse…What do you do?

Here’s a common conversation between a new student and the nurse:

New student:” Are you a Doctor?”

Nurse Ana: “No, I’m a nurse.”

New student: ” Oh, what do you do in the school if are there not sick children?.

Nurse Ana: “I  am here:images (7)

1- To take care of you in case of accident, injury or wound.

2.-To  promote healthy behaviors.

3.- To  manage chronic conditions.

4.- To  track communicable diseases.

5.-To handle emergency situation.

6.-To taking care of children with  any kind of allergies and asthma events.

7.-To check your vaccines.

8.- To administer medication  in case you need  it and  provide  first aids.

9.- To educate children about healthy lifestyles.

But if you have any  other ideas to promote the children’s health, please let me know to share  it with your friends.

New student:  “Oh, that’s interesting. Now I know what you do in the school. Thank you, Miss Ana.

Nurse Ana: You are welcome.